Kin Symposia bring together artists, ecologists, eco-therapists, horticulturalists, and many more persons COnsidering nature as kin.
These vibrant events provide a platform for discussion and engagement with the public about our relationship to the living world.
In this era, we feel more of an affinity towards artificial life than real life forms. We have lost our instinctual feeling of having grown from the Earth. It is time to bring the power of our collective minds together to transform our relationship with the living universe beyond our individual human bodies.
Humanity has progressed down a path in which we have divided ourselves from nature- our technological progression has created vast global connections, allowing us to analyse and interrogate our scientific link to the natural world, however the more screens we put between ourselves and our environments, the more we separate ourselves from the feeling of actually growing from the earth.
The great divide between where we are now and achieving what we need to save the planet, lies in a feeling of connectedness with the natural world.
KINstinct Arts aims to inspire the evolution of a collective empathy with nature, and a questioning of the current framework in which society currently views the natural world.
KIN SYMPOSIUM - 23. 11. 2019
Venue - Greenlab, Bermondsey
Times - 10.30am - 10pm
Tickets - SOLD
The global questions of our human relationship with the planet are pressing, and each day become more relevant. This is not a fad; these issues will intensify until addressed physically worldwide. Art is a mode of communication that can propose alternative futures. Socially engaging and utopian - minded artists can provide dreams for a society that needs change. The artistic visions may not be the definitive result, but where art provokes thought, change can follow, and KINstinct Arts want to contribute to the the dynamic push that will enable change to happen.